Are you ready to find ease in your marketing and feel confident when you’re posting?
Yes, you want to market your business and actually stand out online. You do, or you wouldn’t be here.
Transforming your marketing to create a stand out brand in the online space doesn’t have to be overwhelming and stressful. With the right tools and support, it can even be fun!
14% of businesses fail because of ineffective marketing.
I realized early in my entrepreneur journey that there was a gap in the marketing of those who could afford to pay someone else to do it, and those who could not.
We start our businesses to change something and do or bring something beautiful to the world, not to spend hours stressing over how to do all the business parts.
I found that while there are many, MANY marketing techniques out there that work, not all of them are effective for each brand.
Some of these techniques feel icky and gross. Some of these techniques may require a lot of tech and the knowledge of how to build in it. Some of these techniques are easy, peasy to implement – you just have to pull them out of the muck.
Having worked with multiple six figure business owners, best selling authors and international speakers – I’ve learned which techniques work and at what levels.
You don’t need to do what a million dollar company is doing when you haven’t even hit six figures.
Slow down to speed up.
Don’t worry, you’re not going to be in the 14%.
Seriously though, you’re on your way to learn to market effectively.
I know that, because you’re here and I’ve created the membership that bridges the gap between you and those who have a large marketing budget.
The Disruptors’ Collective is here!
Inside the collective, we’re disrupting the industry, thinking differently about marketing and doing business differently.
and we're bridging the gap and brining marketing to business owners at all levels.
Inside The Disruptors’ Collective you’ll learn the information you need to stand out and scale in bite sized pieces so that you can easily digest and implement each training.
- Access our exclusive Disruptive Marketing Value Vault for easily implemented marketing steps
- Get monthly prompts and ideas to keep your content flowing and your audience captivated
- Receive extra support through monthly expert sessions, Q&A calls and Connection Calls
- Connect with an elite community of other business owners
- Feel empowered to get your marketing tasks done with weekly co-working sessions
As a member of The Disruptors Collective you also have the opportunity for more, such as…
- Attend guest coach appearances from an array of different experts
- Discounted 1:1 strategy sessions to address any critical marketing needs or strategy
- Discounted monthly Voxer support options
Imagine five weeks from now and you’ve been implementing what you’re learning inside of The Diruptors’ Collective. You’re finally at a place where you can have a calendar full of sales calls or sales on repeat for your evergreen, low ticket offer they can click to buy.
Imagine by the end of month two, your full year of membership could have paid for itself in full. All because you began standing out and marketing disruptively.